Sunday, July 19, 2015

Hot Cha Cha!

Hi there! How are you? I see that you're back, I'm happy so let's have a chat?😃 It's hot as Hades here at the beach, there is no AC, it's out of my reach.  It thundered with lightening exciting as can be but it left this awful heat today, the sun beating down upon me. Yesterday's thunder storm that brought with it the rain, even hot and humid it was surreal if not insane. Let's go to the beach and play in the water, bacteria levels are at a high so why bother.

There are usually just a scatter of days in the heat that leave you sweltering miserable beat on your feet. It's time to take the pugs out for a ride in the car, you see it's cooler there then lying down where they are. Fiona, Duke don't forget Wall-e, they dislike the heat almost as much as me. I think it's time to load up the CC. Crank up the AC and take a ride by the beach. Or perhaps just drive around The Hill on top of P.V? We don't have to get out, there's nowhere we need to really be.

Sunday Funday, we'll see about that. It's not so much fun feeling trapped like a rat. But come on I'm only human with a few pugs, that are as wiped out as a couple of slugs. We can drive over to the dog park looking for a breeze, but let's just admit it, the last time we came home with a bad case of fleas! I think we're better off in the car enjoying the AC.

I think it's rather funny when the tempatures get above 80, we don't know how to act we can get a bit crazy. We do live in a natural desert even though we live by the sea, we seem to forget about that, including me. Southern California is everything you've read about or seen, that includes Hollywood and most depictions on T.V. And yes, everyone's enjoying a mint sprigged Iced Tea. Oh, and no, not everyone has a pool especially not me, I'd have to check into a pet friendly hotel to make that happen, how nice that could be. But pets usually are not allowed in a hotel pool, we'll just have to drive in the car, that will just have to do.❤️

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